Catalog your collection of movies and TV series on DVD. Including all movie data (genre, studio, release year, cast, crew, etc.), episode titles and all DVD details (cover images, subtitles, audio tracks, features, etc.).
Adding a DVD to your database is quick and easy, just type the movie title or scan its barcode. The program will then automatically download all data and images from our own online DVD database (currently containing 80 thousand movies and 100 thousand DVD editions). Other data sources include IMDb and Amazon.
Lists your movies in any order, either as list or in Image View. Group them in folders (e.g. by producer or genre). Use the Quick Search feature to find a movie in your database.
Browse your movie collection and start linked movie files directly.
Print a list of all movies or just a selection. Export lists to CSV, HTML or XML format (PRO only). Or export your list to the Notes section of your iPod and check it while in the DVD store (PRO only).
Always know who borrowed your DVDs and forgot to return them.
The Windows edition runs on Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP and Windows Vista, and is available in the following languages: English, Dutch, German, French, Turkish, Polish, Croatian, Italian, Slovenian, Swedish, Greek, Russian, Danish. http://rapidshare.com/files/89410966/Collectorz.com_Movie_Collector_Pro.v5.4.1_www.softarchive.net.rar
DOWNLOAD IT HERE! http://rapidshare.com/files/89410966/Collectorz.com_
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